Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blogging Through Proverbs Part XVIII - 3:14-15

Studying: Revelation 8-12
Memorizing: Romans 1:1-26
Thoughts: Good

"For her profit is better than the profit of silver and her gain is better than fine gold. She is more precious than jewels; and nothing you desire compares with her." - Proverbs 3:14-15, NASB

Godly wisdom is knowing how to "glorify God and enjoy him forever." For this reason, as verse 13 of chapter 3 stated, the one who finds wisdom is "blessed." Wisdom enables the believer to live a God-glorifying life in any situation, "good" or "bad." Wisdom enables us to use what God gives us in the right way, so that all that we own, all the we possess may serve the kingdom.

So Solomon made the assertion in verse 13 that the wise and understanding man is "blessed." Now he begins to explain why. Verses 14 & 15 begin by saying in essence that wisdom surpasses all of the riches of this life. These two verses pretty much cover it all. It speaks of silver, a precious but not particularly rare metal. Perhaps in antiquity it was a bit more rare than today. But then he speaks of gold, a metal that is both precious and rare. The value of gold far exceeds that of silver, and always has to varying degrees. Then he speaks of jewels, which could be any variety of precious stones. Probably the most prominent example that comes to our minds is diamonds. So here are three examples given, silver, gold and jewels, all valuable and beautiful items that are desirable to have. And then Solomon ends with these words "And nothing you desire compares with her."

Silver, gold and precious stones cannot even begin to compare with the value of wisdom. Why? The attainment of wisdom has value far beyond this world. The value of wisdom transcends this world into the next. He who dies with the most silver, gold and jewels still dies. A life spent attaining all of these things will eventually come to an end. But the one who has spent his life pursuing wisdom and has found it will die prepared to meet Christ.

Lord you are more precious than silver.
And Lord, you are more costly than gold.
Lord, you are more beautiful than diamonds,
And nothing I desire compares with you.

This popular praise song, I think, accurately applies this idea of the attainment of wisdom to Christ himself. Where else does wisdom begin but in knowing Christ, and to know him is infinitely more valuable than anything else.

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