Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Father's Love

Studying: Isaiah 64-65
Memorizing: Romans 2:1-4
Thoughts: Good

I preached today for the English service at our church on "I believe in God the Father." Sadly, there have been and still are many rotten father-children relationships over here. Many have experienced drunken and abusive fathers. Many have experienced abandonment and rejection by their fathers. Thus, sadly, many have a warped idea of what a father is.

I tried to stress the point today that one defines the Fatherhood of God not through an earthly understanding. An earthly understanding is warped and twisted. Even the best of father-child relationships here on earth are still filled with sin.

Pray that God will raise up godly fathers here in this land that will, by grace, strive to live and reflect the love of the Heavenly Father according to a Biblical understanding.

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