Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Prayer for Strength

Studying: Isaiah 35-36
Memorizing: Romans 1:1-32, 2:1
Thoughts: Good

I'll confess, I'm running out of steam here lately. I know I've been sick and such, but it seems lately I'm starting to have more and more of those "blue" days where it's hard to get going. It's kind of a difficult cycle really,

-Desire to do "ministry" but realize I need to know the language
-Study harder at the language
-Make progress, get encouraged
-Realize just how much I don't know, get discouraged
-Desire to do "ministry" but realize I need to know the language

Yes, I realize that even language learning itself is ministry. I have no doubt in my mind that the Lord is using us in the lives of our teachers. But there are so many things I am becoming more and more anxious to do. How I would love to be able to just strike up a conversation with someone without saying "what?" a thousand times.

I suppose I need endurance right now. I need to remember that I'm running a marathon not a sprint with this language learning thing. The first few miles were "easy" relatively speaking. I was filled with energy, enthusiasm, zest. But now I'm approaching somewhere around the middle (probably more before the middle), and I think I'm starting to lose some steam. Pray that I'll get my second wind.

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