Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Things That Have Changed About Me Since Moving to Russia

Studying: Isaiah 51-52
Memorizing: Romans 2:1-3
Thoughts: Good

1. I've learned to live more day-by-day. Yes, I still plan, but it seems now when I do I always look at it with the expectation that the future I've "planned" is not mine but the Lord's.

2. I'm more direct with people. I've never been much for bush beating in the first place, but since moving here I've discovered that I've become more inclined to be more direct. That doesn't mean I'm unkind or unfriendly, just a little more blunt at times.

3. I'm getting better at saying "no." I mean this in a positive aspect. Since we've come here we've been asked to do numerous, numerous things and I've had to learn to say "no." There is simply no way we can do them all, nor do we even need to if we could.

4. I honestly think I've gotten more patient. Cristy might disagree with me, but in a land that, I'm convinced, invented red tape itself, I've had to learn to handle more and more slowly moving frustrating situations. This is all of God's grace of course.

5. I've actually longed for warm weather. Having lived in Mississippi and Louisiana all my life before coming here I was convinced that I would never ever miss a warm day. But after 5 months of cold I'm honestly looking forward to the day of being able to walk outside in a t-shirt. We're still 2 1/2 months away from that I've been told.

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