Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Studying: Isaiah 16-18
Memorizing: Romans 1:1-30
Thoughts: Good

Today was a much better day. We enjoyed the arrival of our friends Robin and Katherine Harris. Sadly, they will only be here through tomorrow, but we're thankful for all the time we can have with them.

Tonight I translated for about 3 1/2 hours. Some pastors from America wanted to meet with a Russian Orthodox and ask some questions. I was thankful to be a part of this. But as a result my brain is absolute mush now, so good night.

1 comment:

russ said...

Hey bro! I really admire you for doing this. Certainly it is good to read your thoughts. I'm reminded of our long car rides to Yazoo where you shared your deep, and sometimes quirky talents (you created any new musical noises lately in your spare time?). Rachel and I keep up with you through Random Thoughts and miss you both.