Monday, March 10, 2008

Blue Mondays

Studying: Isaiah 13-15
Memorizing: Romans 1:1-30
Thoughts: Overall Good, Could be Better

Okay, I know the last point of my status probably caught your interest. Today was "one of those days" overall. It was supposed to be a semi day off, and it seems like the "Monday Blues" hit me a little bit. It never fails that when that happens Satan is right there ready to pounce on me.

I've been very busy for the past few days, since Friday especially. Some pastors from the PCA are in town looking to connect with other local pastors. I helped to arrange a number of meetings and even translated some for them. It's been a very uplifting time over all. But this morning I woke up as per my regular schedule, went to teach my little Bible class at International Academy (the ex-pat school where I teach a small Bible class). When I got there to my surprise today was a holiday that no one told me about. So I came home. All day though I had this tense feeling about me. Satan was nagging at me.

By God's grace I've made it to the end of the day, but I would covet your prayers. These days are going to come again I know, and I want to handle them better.

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