Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Studying: Jeremiah 1-4
Thoughts: Good

I'm getting to be very forgetful as of late. Sorry about not posting again yesterday, but I assure you that I am reading.

Tomorrow we leave for Finland for two night. As I've explained before, but will summarize now, on our current visas here in Russia we can only be registered for three months at a time. That means after three months we must physically leave the country and re-enter. When we come back in the fall we won't have to do that because we'll be on student visas. And so tomorrow ends our three months. We're taking one extra day there just to rest a bit. We'll be back Friday afternoon.

We are now just over two months away from completing our first year here in Russia. As we get to the end here of this first term might I say it's like we're making a "mad dash" for the finish. There's so much to be done in preparation for returning home for six weeks, paperwork, plane tickets, more paperwork, finishing lessons, etc. Life is hectic here lately.

Please pray for us in the midst of all this that we will not neglect the Lord our God.

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