Sunday, May 4, 2008

Yes, I'm still here.

Studying: Yes!
Thoughts: Good

First of all let me say this. Don't worry. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Some of you are probably wondering where I've been the past two weeks. Let me explain.

First of all we went to Finland which was wonderful. We enjoyed three days to just rest a bit and renew our registration. Then we got back to Russia, and I'll confess I just plain forgot to blog. Yes, I stayed in the word, but simply forgot to blog about it. Sorry.

I'll confess also that I've been getting really burned out lately, and I think I'm really looking forward to the summer time. Things just don't seem to be sticking anymore in my Russian lessons like they once did, and it seems that no matter when I go to bed or when I get up I'm just staying tired almost constantly. No, I'm not depressed, don't worry about that, I'm just a little burned out.

I've been staying in the word, and that has been a blessed thing, but lately for my own soul's nourishment I've been taking a break from my regular reading schedule and just spending some time in the Psalms, reading, praying through and meditating on some favorite passages. A lot of my thoughts and reflections have been quite scattered, from the heart and not really fit for printing. Granted there's just some things I don't care to publish on the internet which I'm sure you can all understand.

So for the time being please understand some of my randomness. I'll begin posting here again, but some days I might simply list what I've read and not really comment on it.

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