Monday, May 5, 2008


Studying: Psalms 95-97
Thoughts: Good

Sometimes Cristy and I just have to laugh. One of the ways we've found of dealing with the cultural differences sometimes over here is just picking out random things in the culture to laugh about. Like an old lady mopping a sidewalk, or a mother in the park on an 80-degree day warning us not to let our son play in the sand because the "ground was cold." It's things like this that we can either scream about or die laughing about.

Tonight after dinner we were both in the kitchen and I noticed that our little wall lamp had gone out. As I jiggled the cord I noticed little sparks flying out of where the wire connects to the plugin. Having an aversion for burning down buildings, I decided to let it be and unplug the thing. We have a little word we use in our family when we want to describe something quickly but can't think of what to call it, and that word is "dumaflitchy." Others have similar words. I've heard people say "dumawhatsit" and "whatchamacallit." I used our word tonight when talking about the lamp, telling Cristy "I need to go get a new dumaflitchy and attach it to the cord here." Now, of course, I was talking about getting a new plugin for the lamp. Cristy knew exactly what I was talking about because I was holding it right there in my hand. Cristy immediately responded with, "I wonder how you say 'dumaflitchy' in Russian?"

I don't know if there's a Russian equivalent or not, but we laughed for several minutes about what would happen if we went to the store and asked in Russian "Скажите мне пожалуйста, у вас есть думафлитчии," which translates "Tell me please, do you have any dumaflitchies?"

Well, it made us laugh. Don't know if it will have the same effect on you all or not.

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